EVA: a Tool for the Compositional Verification of AUTOSAR Models

Alessandro Cimatti1, Luca Cristoforetti1, Alberto Griggio1, Stefano Tonetta1, Sara Corfini2, Marco Di Natale2,4, and Florian Barrau3

1Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
2Huawei Pisa Research Center, Pisa, Italy
3Huawei Grenoble Research Center, Grenoble, France
4Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy

EVA is a framework for the integration of modern verification tools in the context of AUTOSAR, a widely-used open stan- dard for the development of automotive software systems. EVA enables the automatic end-to-end verification of system-level properties using a compositional approach. It combines software model checking techniques for the verification of software components at the code level with a contract-based analysis for verifying their correct composition.

A description of the tool has been published by Springer as part of the proceedings of TACAS 2023 (Springer link).