- Alessandro Cimatti and Marco Roveri (2000) Forward Conformant Planning via Symbolic Model Checking. In {AIPS Workshop on Model-Theoretic Approaches to Planning}., pages 40-47. (BibTeX)
- Marco Roveri (2000) Abstraction in Model Checking for Bug Hunting. In {\emph{MOdelling and Verification of Parallel Processes} (MOVEP'2K) Computer Science and Automated Systems Summer School}. Nantes, France, jun. (BibTeX)
- Alessandro Cimatti, Edmund M. Clarke, Fausto Giunchiglia and Marco Roveri (2000) NuSMV: A New Symbolic Model Checker. STTT, 2(4):410-425. (url) (BibTeX)
- Alessandro Cimatti and Marco Roveri (2000) Conformant Planning via Symbolic Model Checking. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR), 13:305-338. (url) (BibTeX)