Tool Supported Methodology

1: Requirements Fragmentation and Categorization Phase

1.1 (Categorization): The user identifies and categorizes the informal requirement fragments;
1.2 (Dependencies): The user can create dependencies among the categorized requirement fragments.

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2: Formalization Phase

2.1 (Formalization): The user formalizes each categorized requirement exploiting Unified Modelling Language (UML) constructs abd a Controlled Natural Language based on Property Specification Language;
2.2 (Traceability linking): The user links the elements of the formalization to the textual requirements.

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3: Formal Validation Phase

3.1 (Requirements selection): The user chooses a set of requirements to focus the validation on particular aspects of the specification;
3.2 (Problem Definition): The user defines a set of problems, each one consisting of a set of objects and a set of scenarios and of properties;
3.3 (Model Checking): The user checks the defined problems and analyzes the results.

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