University of Lugano, 2004-2006
- NC (Winter'05) Netcentric Computing
- CA (Winter'04) Computer Architecture
- PF2 (Summer'05, '06) Programming Fundamentals II
Summer Schools
- (September 2003)
Advanced School on Mobile Computing Software Development
for Mobile Environments Lecture
notes: 12345
- (September 2003) School on Formal Methods for the Design of
Computer, Communication and Software Systems Software
SFM-03:SA Software
Architecture for Mobile Computing
Politecnico di Milano, 2004
- 553 (Spring'04) Distributed Systems
University of Rochester, 2000-2003
- 256/456 (Spring
'03) Operating Systems
- 173 (Fall
'02) Computation and Formal Systems
- 290e
(Fall'01) Mobile Computing
- 573
(Fall '00) Mobility Seminar