- IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
(PerCom). Athens, Greece, 2018.
- First International Workshop on Pervasive Systems Integration
(PerSysT 2018). Athens,
Greece, 2018
- 7th International Conference on Sensor Networks
(a href="http://www.sensornets.org/">SensorNets). Funchal, Madiera -
Portugal, January 2018.
The First ACM International Workshop on the Engineering of Reliable, Robust,
and Secure Embedded Wireless Sensing Systems
(FAILSAFE) Delft, The
Netherlands. November 2017.
The Eleventh International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications
SENSORCOMM) Rome, Italy. September 2017.
The 26th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks
(ICCCN ) Vancouver, Canada, July
Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems
(MASS) Florida, USA,
The 17th ACM/IFIP/Usenix Middleware Conference
(Middleware) Las Vegas,
USA. December 2017.
International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor
Systems (DCOSS). 5-7 June 2017, Ottawa, Canada.
Sensor/Embedded Networks and Pervasive Computing (SNPC) track for the
International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN),
Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
(PerCom). Hawaii, 2017 (Program
Co-Vice-Chair (with Christine Julien (Chair), U. of Texas at Austin, USA; Qi
Han (co-vice chair), Colorado School of Mines, USA; Franca Delmastro
(co-vice chair), IIT-CNR, Italy.
- IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
(CCNC). Las Vegas, USA, January
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems
The 16th ACM/IFIP/Usenix Middleware Conference
(Middleware) (Program
Committee Member and Local Arrangements Chair with Alberto Montresor,
U. Trento, Italy)
The 36th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing
The 13th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
The 12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems
- 16th ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference
(Middleware). Vancouver, Canada, December 2015. (Program Co-Chair with Eli
Tilevich, Univ. of Virginia, USA)
13th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor
Networks. 17-17 April 2014, Berlin, Germany.
IPSN 2014
(PhD Forum Review Committee)
- 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor
Systems. 25-27 May 2014, Marina Del Rey, California, USA.
DCOSS 2014
The 12th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems
The 11th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. 17-19 February
2014. Oxford, UK.
(Program Co-Chair, with Bhaskar Krishnamachari)
- 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. 11-14 November
2013. Rome, Italy.
SenSys 2013
(Demo Co-Chair, with Emiliano Miluzzo)
- 10th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. 13-15 February
2013. Ghent, Belgium. EWSN 2013
- 1st International Workshop on Sustainable Monitoring through
Cyber-Physical Systems. 3-6 January
2013. SuMo-CPS (alternate
web site)
- 10th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems. November
2012. Toronto, Canada SenSys 2012
- 9th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems.
October 2012. Las Vegas, Nevada,
USA. MASS 2012
- 3rd International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications. 2 June 2012. Zurich,
Switzerland. SESENA 2012 (PC Co-chair
with Vittorio Cortellessa)
- 9th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. 15-17 February
2012. Trento, Italy EWSN 2012
- 8th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. 23-25 February
2011. Bonn, Germany EWSN 2011
- New Ideas and Emerging Results Track of the 33rd International Conference
on Software Engineering, 21-28 May 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii
NIER 2011
- 4th international OMNeT++ Workshop. 21 March 2011, Barcelona,
Spain. OMNET
- 32nd International Conference on Software
Engineering, ICSE
Deadline: 6 September 2009
- Coordination 2010
- The 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. June
21-25, 2010, Genoa, Italy
ICDCS 2010
- International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages Coordination
Deadline: 13 February 2009
- 1st International Workshop on Ad hoc Ambient Computing September 13,
2008, Sophia Antipolis, France
- European conference on Wireless Sensor Networks. 30 Jan - 1 Feb 2008,
Bologna, Italy
- 2nd Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction. 3 June 2008, Oslo, Norway
- Second ACM Workshop on Sensor Actor Networks. Hong Kong, China, may 26-30, 2008
- IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Systems for Pervasive
Computing 2008. (PerSeNS)
- 10th international conference on Coordination Models and
Languages. Oslo, Norway, 4-6 June 2008
- The 7th IFIP Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop
Med-Hoc-Net 2008 June 23-27 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
- 1st ACM Workshop on Sensor Actor
Networks, SANET,
14 May 2007
- The 1st International Workshop on Systems and Networking Support for
Healthcare and Assisted Living Environments, HealthNet
2007 Deadline: 23 March 2007
- The Inaugural International Conference on Distributed Event-Based
Systems, DEBS
2007 Deadline: 18 March 2007
- ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of
Wireless and Mobile
Systems, MSWIM
2007. Deadline: 2 May 2007
- 16th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit,
2007 Deadline 31 January 2007
- International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages Coordination 2007
Co-Chair Deadline: 27 January 2007
- European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium
on the Foundations of Software Engineering ESEC/FSE Workshop Co-Chair
Deadline: 5 March 2007
- IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Systems for
Pervasive Computing PerSeNS
Deadline: 7 October 2006
- International World Wide Web Conference WWW 2007
Deadline: 20 November 2007
- European Conference on Wireless Sensor NetworksEWSN 2007
Deadline: September 2007
- International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2007
Deadline: 8 September 2007
- ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis
and Simulation of
Wireless and Mobile Systems, MSWiM 2006
Deadline: May 8, 2006
- Automated Software Engineering
ASE 2006
Deadline: March 3, 2006
- European Workshop on Wireless Sensor
Networks. EWSN 2006.
Deadline: September 2, 2005
- Symposium on Applied Computing, Agents, Interactions, Mobility,
and Systems
Track AIMS.
Deadline: September 2, 2005
- International Conference on Pervasive Computer and Communications PerCom.
Deadline: September 5, 2005
- Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Ad Hoc
Communications PCAC
Deadline: September 20, 2005
- Second International Workshop on Sensor Networks and Systems for
Pervasive Computing PerSeNS
Deadline: September 30, 2005
- World Wide Web conference, Pervasive Web and Mobility
Track. WWW
Deadline: November 2005
- Int'l Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous,
and Trustworthy Computing.
Deadline: November 20, 2005
- Fifth International Workshop on Software Engineering and
Middleware. SEM
2005, September 2005
- International Conference on Software Engineering
2005, May 2005
- International Conference on Pervasive Computing and
PerCom 2005, March 2005
- 3rd
International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer,
Communication and Software Systems: Software Architecture
- First International ICDCS Workshop on Mobile Computing
Middleware (MCM03)
- SAC 2004, Agents, Interactions, Mobility, and Systems (AIMS)
- SAC 2003, Mobile Computing and Applications
Track (MCA)
SAC 2003, Agents, Interactions, Mobility, and
Systems (AIMS) Track
- SAC 2003, Special Track on e-commerce Technologies