

For more information or support requests, please contact


European Space Agency

European Space Research and Technology Centre funds the FAME project.

European Space Research and Technology Centre
Keplerlaan 1
NL 2201 AZ Noordwijk
The Netherlands

Thales Alenia Space Italia

Thales Alenia Space Italia is the prime contractor of the FAME project. Tasks: system specification, validation and characterization of FAME.

Contact: Andrea Guiotto

Thales Alenia Space Italia
Strada Antica di Collegno, 253
Torino, Italy
E-mail: andrea.guiotto [at]

Thales Alenia Space France

Thales Alenia Space France is the industrial subcontractor of the FAME project. Tasks: selection of case study and performance evaluation.

Contact: Regis de Ferluc

Thales Alenia Space France
5, allée des Gabians - BP 99
06156 Cannes la Bocca, France
Phone: + 334 92 28 99 45
E-mail: regis.deferluc [at]

Fondazione Bruno Kessler

The Embedded Systems Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy) is the research subcontractor in the FAME Project. Tasks: design and implementation of FAME.

Contact: Dr. Alessandro Cimatti

Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Embedded Systems Group
Via Sommarive, 18
38123 Povo/Trento, Italy
Phone: (39) 461-314320
E-mail: cimatti [at]

Project Members

Thales Alenia Space:

Fondazione Bruno Kessler: